Thursday, 29 September 2011

X-Rated Dirty Gary

So, Gary Barlow is the new ‘Hard Man’ of pop! So hard, in fact, that you’d think he was the new Ken Barlow throwing a few punches at Mike Baldwin in the Rovers Return Inn!!

Barlow, in case you didn’t know, has taken over from the tight-kex-wearing Simon Cowell (big trousers to fill as well) and turned into the nasty one who rips into the occasional X Factor spastic who sings like Chewbacca having his shells waxed! (All for the cameras, no doubt)

This one time Softy and all round raging quilt of a Manc who you would gladly take home to your while she was watching Downton abbey has now developed a tough shell (and attitude) with a good old Chuck Norris beard to boot!

Personally I think he’s about a scary as a gerbil wearing a skin-tight pink nappy!

But what gets me about this new ‘image’ Barlow has suddenly developed is, in my opinion, to maybe score a few brownie points with the Indie and Rock crowd as x Factor has always had some sort of ‘Rock Act’ within the ranks of the afore mentioned spastics desperate for fame!

So, what suddenly prompts these pop stars to shed their teeny bopper skin and turn into a raging grizzly bear? No doubt money and sponsorship are behind these decisions taken by them (and their team of advisors). Just look at Iggy Pop for example with his rather embarrassing Swift Cover adverts, Ozzy Osborne with his even more ridiculous series recorded for MTV a few years back, and, as I noticed a few weeks back in Madrid Airport, Julian Casablancas’ after shave called ‘decibel’

Personally, I think if you have an image that millions of your adoring fans love, I think you should stick to it as the words “sell out” will hover over you for the rest of your career no matter how successful you go on to be

So, do us a favour, Gaz, put away the new found ‘act’ you’re putting on as we all know you’re a big pussy cat deep down and we simply don’t buy it for one minute as we all know: “Everything changes but you”


Oh well, at least get a shave ... Chuck!
