Friday 11 June 2010

You Can'r Check Out Anytime You Like

So, rock stars have stopped throwing tellies out of windows and driving cars into swimming pools. Shame really isn’t it?

Just been reading an article by some music ‘journo’ who claims rock stars are all nice and fluffy creatures these days compared to their compatriots thirty odd years ago.

To be honest, she does have a point, but the contents of the article are what I disagree with as she doesn’t really tackle the subject of WHY so many of today’s ‘stars’ tend to have an early night with a nice cup of hot chocolate instead of staying up for three days banging groupies and taking numerous cocktails of drink and drugs.

So why is it? Well one reason is that so many of today’s music stars have to portray an image that is sweaky clean. This is mainly down to ‘orders’ given from chief execs of record labels who don’t like to see rapid share losses from their multi billion pound businesses just because a story in one of the rags has broke about one of their stars being found in a hotel with an empty packet of Viagra, a trampoline and a donkey wearing fetish gear! Heaven forbid!

But, to be honest here, I think today’s crop of talented youngsters are nothing short of utterly fucking boring individuals who are more obsessed of how big their houses can be and how big their bank balances can be instead of keeping any form of personality or music integrity intact that they may once have possessed in a previous life

I don’t really want to single out any individual here, but in the true spirit of this Blog, I’m going to!

Now, take the likes of Keane for example. I was reading in the above mentioned article and it mentioned that when they are on the road touring they insist on their mattresses not being too tightly folded over on the side of the beds they are staying in!!!! Jesus Christ, I nearly fell out of bed pissing myself when I read that! Are they gonna ask for their mother’s to be on hand as well just in case they shit/wet the bed as well? What a gang of absolute quilts (hahaha- get it?) And to make matters even that more cringe worthy, the stuck-up chaps in Keane also insist (I must emphasise – insist) that their pillows don’t have feathers in them!

Seriously though, why should these people be treated in such a pampered way only a child under the age of two should warrant? Are they going to shit themselves if they don’t have their Horlicks heated to the right temperature? Are they going to spit their dummies out if they don’t have the UK Living Channel at just the right volume?

At the end of the day I really don’t see why these people should be treated in such a way as they are only making music

Keith Moon would be turning in his grave

